Thanksgiving Pic - 5 Things you SHOULDN'T do if you overate this weekend

Thanksgiving is over and it’s back to reality for most of us today.  One of the main focuses of the holiday is food so it is no surprise that most of us overate this past weekend! (I know I did! 😁) With a calendar full of social events and treats for the remainder of the year it is important to do the right things starting NOW so you don’t gain the average 7-10 pounds of holiday weight.  There are many things that you can do to get on the right track but who needs more things to do?!  Let’s talk about what not to do instead.

1. Don't Keep eating junk.

Your body can’t get back to normal and you can’t break the cycle of craving carbs and sugar if you don’t stop stuffing them in your face! You’ve had several days to enjoy those leftovers, it’s time to throw them out, take them to work, or let the kids finish them off.  

2. Don't Step on the scale

If you ate carbs (aka pie, potatoes, pasta, more pie) and salty foods you are probably up a few pounds, but it is just water weight you are retaining. The scale can be a real mind eff, and make you think you blew all of your hard work when you really didn’t! It sounds counteractive but more water you drink, the better to flush out your system and shed that extra weight. Steer clear of the scale for 2-3 days post holiday festivities because it isn’t a true representation of where you are.  

3. Don't let the holi-day turn into holi-week

Everyone knows that it is easy to eat junk food but letting a day turn into a week can quickly turn into a month or more if you aren’t careful!  You’ve worked too hard to backpedal and this time of the year is usually “Survival Season” for most.  Don’t plan to lose weight but plan to practice your core non-negotiable health habits and you you will be able to maintain the weight you are at.

4. don't punish yourself

Not eating today, doing hours of cardio, or doubling up on your workouts is not the answer!  Your body still needs nutrition and energy to operate today, just like it did this weekend.  Do one workout and give it all you have.  Lift heavy and push yourself but there’s no reason to spend hours in the gym trying to “undo” the food you ate.  

5. Don't feel guilty

1 or 2 days off plan is not going to ruin your progress or send you back to square one so don’t act like it!  Enjoying time with family and not stressing over the calories on your plate is the optimal way to live! Sure, you won’t eat like that every day but when you occasionally do, focus on the friends and family you are wayyyy more important than macros.  

If you don’t have a basic understanding of Healthy Habits, invest in your health, take some time and educate yourself! When you know better, you do better!  Read books, listen to podcasts, or take an e-course like Finally Fit and learn how to prioritize a few practices that are most beneficial to you.  For most women it isn’t possible to do everything but you can do a few things that have a big impact.  

Here’s to having a wonderful holiday season and ending 2018 on a strong note!  


Christine - 5 Things you SHOULDN'T do if you overate this weekend

Christine Smith Fall 2018
Happy Holidays from our family to yours!
post holiday health tips
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