
Smith 59 - About

Hi!!!  I’m Christine,

wife to Joe Smith, mama to Tinsley Faye, and step mama to Garet or “Bubbie”.

I’m a girl from the suburbs that moved away from everything I’ve ever known to be with these handsome boys you see above. We live near a town of 400 people.  It was a transition!

I’m busy (just like you!) with a commute to my design job, running kids to ALL the activities, and trying to blog.  In our free time, we love hanging at the lake and hosting family and friends! (Joe enjoys trying new recipes on his smoker so you’ll never be hungry at our house!) 

7698 - About

Fit But Fun – A way of life!

Growing up I had NO clue about nutrition and eventually that caught up with me.  I tried to “diet” but it was really going through seasons of restriction and not enjoying anything I ate. Everything “healthy” was boring or not filling and I’d end up bingeing on foods I really wanted instead.  Through a lot of trial and error I’ve found ways to “healthify” our favorites or now know how to balance of the good stuff and I share what I’ve learned here on the blog!

Who has time to meal plan?! It’s hard to find the time but I always struggle the weeks I don’t make it a priority. I figure if I’m doing it for myself, it can be valuable for you too!

Here on the Fit But Fun site I provide a database of recipes, meal guides, & grocery lists to simplify healthy living for you. Healthy should be simple, not stressful!

Mrs. Smith - AboutA few things that you should know if you’re going to stick around:

I’m sarcastic and sometimes a bit inappropriate.  I work really hard but I love to have fun.

I love a drink every now and then.  I’m gluten-free but I love breads, cookies, cake, and pizza.  ALL OF THE PIZZA!  I’m crafty but I don’t have the time (or money) to be Martha Stewart, so look for lots of hot glue in my projects.  I can’t sit still long enough to read a book but I’m always listening to podcasts and audio books when I’m on the go. Give me all of the knowledge and tell me all of the things.

That’s enough about me.  Tell me about YOU!

Leave comments, I want to meet you!

💜 ~ Christine