It has been rather recent that I have dug into research about chemicals and toxins in hygiene and cleaning products. I always thought that if it is on the shelf in the store, it’s been tested by someone and it is safe to eat, put on my body, or in my home.  Natural options don’t have the pretty fragrance or may cost a few pennies more so given the option I wouldn’t always choose natural.  But let me tell you, there is a LOT of information that I didn’t know about chemicals in products and the effects they may have on myself and my family.  

Please note that I am not an expert and will try to simplify this info as much as possible. If you have concerns or want to learn more, I encourage you to do your own research on specific topics and ingredients.  Google Scholar is a great place to find evidence based research that isn’t just someone’s opinion.  

Here at Fit But Fun we talk a lot about the foods you eat and put INTO your body but what about the things you put on it?  If a product is inhaled, absorbed through the skin, or mucus membranes, it can impact your health. Through recent research I learned that chemicals can sometimes mimic estrogen and put girls into early puberty. Hello! I have a young daughter and want to keep her healthy!  They finally got my attention.  It turns out that toxins and chemicals can mimic estrogen in our body and lead to estrogen dominance.  There are many other effects as well but I want to focus on estrogen dominance for a hot second.  You may have some health issues that doctors have had trouble diagnosing or treating and excessive estrogen may be contributing to. What are some of the signs?  

It turns out that toxins and chemicals can mimic estrogen in our body and lead to estrogen dominance.  There are many other effects as well but I want to focus on estrogen dominance for a hot second.  You may have some health issues that doctors have had trouble diagnosing or treating and excessive estrogen may be contributing to. What are some of the signs?  

Estrogen Dominance - Are cleaning products affecting your health?

So if you suffer from some of the issues, what products should you be on the look out for?  

Cleaning Products:

  • Bleach
  • Disinfectant Wipes
  • Dish Soap
  • Dishwasher Soap
  • Hand Soap
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Fabric Softener
  • Dusting Spray
  • Glass Cleaner
  • Tub and Tile Cleaner
  • Toilet Cleaner 
  • Air Fresheners
  • Upholstery Cleaner

Home Products:

  • Air Fresheners
  • Smelly Candles
  • Plastic Food Containers
  • Non-Stick Cookware




  • Deodorant
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Body Wash
  • Shampoo & Conditioner
  • Hair Sprays & Gels
  • Body Sprays
  • Perfume
  • Facial Cleansers
  • Cosmetics & Beauty Products
  • Chapstick and Lipstick
  • Lotions
  • Sunblock
  • Self-Tanners
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouth Wash
  • Nail Polish
  • Spa Masks
  • Baby Body Wash
  • Baby Lotions
  • Diaper Creams
  • Wipes 

Yeah, I use all of those….

If you’re anything like me, I kind of freaked out because I use most of these items and my family does too. But I came to realize that now that I know better I can start doing better. I have been gradually purchasing natural and non-toxic products. I’m not throwing everything out at once but replacing with improvements as it is used.  

There are so many different names and ingredients that it can be tough to know what you’re looking at when you read a product label.  I’ve made a short list of  ingredients to keep an eye out for but the easiest thing to do is to download the “Think Dirty” app on your phone.  You can scan a product for an immediate rating of the ingredients and better alternatives.  

What ingredients to be on the look out for and why:


😩 I love my “smell goods” but the good news is that you can still use essential oils.  OR you now have reason to constantly have fresh flowers in your home!  

Fragrances can affect allergies, your reproductive system, low sperm count, and respiratory problems.  


These are usually part of fragrances (may only be listed as “fragrance” on labels) but they can affect insulin resistance, sperm damage, and feminization of the male reproductive system if the mother uses fragrances while baby is in the womb.  

1,4 – Dioxane

A carcinogen that affects the central nervous system, liver, kidneys, irritate the eyes, and respiratory tract.  


Look for this in dish soap, hand soap, hand sanitizer, and some toothpaste.  

It’s a hormone disruptor and may affect thyroid function.  

Sodium Hypochlorite

Burns skin, affects respiratory tract and asthma.  Possibly affects reproductive system and may be linked to cancer.  


Are used to preserve ingredients and you may find them in deodorant, sunscreen, or lotions.

There is not substantial research to support that parabens may affect the reproductive system or increase chances of breast cancer but it is worth noting to make you aware.  

These are only a few of thousands of different chemicals that may be hiding in your products. In summary, these chemicals are affecting the hormones in our bodies, they are linking to fertility problems, birth defects, obesity, allergies, cancers, and organ functions. It’s easy to turn to products that are readily available, especially when there isn’t a warning label listing potential dangers. Top it off with the fact that you don’t immediately see any physical changes, it can be tough. I mean, if you knew right away that your hormones were affected, you would be more apt to purchase non-toxic products. BUT now that you know better, you can start doing better!  

Did you find this info helpful? We dive into estrogen dominance and it’s affects on your health in more detail in the Finally Fit Academy. Our Academy is designed to help you establish a foundation of Healthy Habits and educate you on influences beyond food that affect your health.  

Our goal is to not take fitness to an extreme but to feel good while having fun, I would love to answer any questions you have about the program so if you have them, send them my way! 

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