Exercise Demos

Warm Up


Complete 2-3 rounds of each set of exercises.  

Man Makers will work your whole body and get you sweaty!  If you are short on time, a beginner, or just exhausted, it’s okay to cool down without completing the Finisher.  ☺️

Back Biceps - Back & Biceps

Set 1


Sumo Squat, Upright Row

8-12 Reps

Sumo UPright Row - Back & Biceps

Outward Curls

8-12 Reps

Outward Curls - Back & Biceps

2 Shuffles left, touch, 2 shuffles right

8-12 Reps

Lateral Shuffle - Back & Biceps

Set 2


Concentration curls

8-12 Reps; each

Concentration Curls - Back & Biceps

Single arm Row

8-12 Reps; each

Bent Over Row - Back & Biceps


10-15 Reps; Each Side

For additional modification, hold full plank or drop to knees and plank

IMB T0gDR2 - Back & Biceps
IMB XCwqdZ - Back & Biceps
Back Biceps - Back & Biceps



Man Makers

Chipper – 20 Reps

Chip away until you are done.  You can do all 20 reps at once, break into 2 sets of 10, 4 sets of 5…whatever feels right! 

IMB sYVyle - Back & Biceps
IMB 7Qwdr5 - Back & Biceps


In the comments below, share how many Toe Taps you did! 

Workout on your own? Share what you did for your check-in!  

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