If you went to a BBQ for the 4th of July, chances are you had hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, corn on the cob, watermelon, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, and smores.  So basically you are OVERLOADED with carbs right now! This is just one way to bounce back after a holiday!

Today you should LIFT and lift HEAVY!

Compound Lifts or exercises that use multiple muscles are going to give you the best bang for your buck.  Heavy lifting, using compound movements will help your muscles to consume more glucose and increase your insulin sensitivity. Basically, you put the carbs you ate to work before they are stored as fat.

7629bwc - Best workout after a holiday

If you do not feel accomplished unless you are dripping with sweat at the end of your workout, you can end with 5 minutes of high intensity interval sprint work.  Don’t be a cardio bunny and spend an hour on the treadmill, your body is already under stress from the overload of sugar and carbs, doing more than 30 minutes of cardio can raise your cortisol (stress hormone), just adding to the load on your body.   HIIT will also increase your metabolism so you’ll burn calories at a higher rate for the next 24 – 48 hours, even with just 5 minutes!  Push yourself at all out effort for 20-30 seconds and recover until your 5 minutes are up!


⬇︎ Here’s a quick workout that you can do at home with some dumbbells ⬇︎

Complete 2-4 rounds of each circuit.  

Choose a number of reps that is challenging for your fitness level. The last 1-2 reps should be difficult to complete.

Click the purple text for a demonstration video if needed.

Circuit 1

8-15 Push Ups

10-15 Reps of Big Jack

6 – 12 Walking Lunges with Lateral Raise, each side

Circuit 2

6-12 RepsPlank Up Downs

6-12 Reps Hanging Rows from Table

Don’t forget to drink lots of water, eat your greens and take your probiotic and omega today!

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