Workout Wednesday 

Chest Tri 10.17.18 1 - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

It’s time to sweat!!  

This workout is two sets of exercises, repeated three times each.  Both sets include a “Body Burner” or an exercise that will get your heart rate up while you perform the resistance exercises.  Try to move from one exercise to the next with little rest.  You want to be able to perform the exercises full out but also don’t want to wait so long that you are breathing at a normal rate.  Working out through that elevated heart rate is going to help you torch calories!

Don’t forget to warm up and cool down to prevent injury!

Set 1 – 3 Rounds

Chest Fly

12-15 Reps on Each Arm

IMB pMaL34 - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

Overhead Tricep Extensions

12-15 Reps on Each Arm

IMB WHfvEk - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

Jack, Punch

12-15 Jacks

Jack Punch - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

Jack Punch Mod - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

Set 2 – 3 Rounds

Alternating Push Ups

5-8 – Both Directions

IMB WbIf90 - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018IMB m3pe8B - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018


Tricep Dips

10-15 Reps

IMB gV5W7K - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

180 Jumps OR Squat, Press

10-12 Reps

IMB D0Qlyu - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018

IMB jV7uB3 - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018


Looking for accountability?  Check out my monthly workout program! You will receive 4 workouts a week, have a daily stat to report and show you’ve completed the workout, plus your accomplishments go on our accountability wall!  Comment below if you finish this one!

See ya next week!

Christine 300x171 - Workout Wednesday 10.17.2018  










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