Workout Wednesday

Copy of WW 9.26.18 - Workout Wednesday 10.3.2018

This workout only has two exercises but it will keep you busy!

For a ladder workout you will increase the number of reps for one exercise and decrease the number of reps for the second exercise.  For this workout you will complete 1 man-maker and 10 jump squats, then 2 man-makers, 9 jump squats and so on down to 10 man-makers and 1 jump squat.

Ideally you will have little to no rest between exercises but if you need to take a break, do it!  Catch your breath until you feel ready and get back to it.  Perform the exercises quickly but maintain good form.

There are two variations of each exercise to meet you at your current fitness level.  Challenge yourself, even if you can only do one rep of the advanced version, give it a try!  Next time, you may be able to do two or three!

Don’t forget to warm up and cool down to prevent injury!

Workout Demonstrations


Hop or step out to plank, complete two rows, hop or step feet back into a squat, stand while pressing dumbbells overhead.

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Jump Squat or Air Squat

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That’s it!  Comment below or tag me @Christine.K.Smith on Instagram when you are done!

Need some accountability to consistently complete these quick workouts?  Check out my monthly workout program, you receive 4 workouts a week, have a daily stat to report to show you’ve completed the workout, and your accomplishments go on our accountability wall!  Plus we have some pretty cool giveaways and contests each month!

See ya next week!

Christine 300x171 - Workout Wednesday 10.3.2018  










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