Full Body Workout - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

Today we will be doing a full body workout incorporating weights and cardio.  You’ll probably have a few extra carbs and sugar today, try your best to stick to protein and veggies until party time and squeeze this workout in early or before you hit the hay! 

You will complete 4 rounds of this circuit, choose weights and a number of reps that is challenging for you and your fitness level. The Single Arm Overhead Lunges will be performed on your right side on rounds 1 and 3.  You’ll switch to your left side for rounds 2 and 4. 

You’ll find modifications for your mountain climbers if you are working to build up that core strength. 

Work hard and enjoy your day! 

Single Arm Overhead Lunge

8-12 Reps

Single Arm OH Lunge - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

Mountain Climbers

Choose 1

25-35 Reps

Mountain Climbers - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body Mountaing Climber Mod - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

Reverse Fly

10-15 Reps

Reverse Fly - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

Mountain Climbers

Choose 1

25-35 Reps

Mountain Climbers - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body Mountaing Climber Mod - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

Sumo Pulse

8-15 Reps; Pulse 5 times, rise = 1 rep

IMB AfUyKn - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

4 Half Curls, 1 Full Curl

5-10 Reps

4 Curls half curl - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full Body

Christine - Workout Wednesday - 10.31.2018 - Full BodyWorkout Report

What size of weights did you use for your bicep curl exercise?

How many reps did you complete? Share in the comments below!

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