This is an Every Minute On the Minute workout. That means you’ll need the stopwatch feature on your phone or an interval timer.  Set the timer for one minute intervals (or begin the stop watch) and perform the assigned exercises moving quickly from one exercise to the next, any time that is left before your timer hits one minute is your rest. The quicker you perform the exercises (with good form of course!) the more rest that you will have.  Once the timer hits 1 minute you will begin Round 2.  Repeat for 6 Rounds. 


0-1 Minute – Complete 3 Burpees and 5 Curls in 30 seconds; Rest for 30 Seconds, until timer hits one minute.  

1-2 Minutes – Complete 3 Burpees and 5 Curls in 35 Seconds; Rest for 25 Seconds, until timer hits two minutes.  

2-3 Minutes – Complete 3 Burpees and 5 Curls in 40 Seconds; Rest for 20 Seconds, until timer hits 3 minutes, and so forth.  

EMOM - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

If needed, take a break after your sixth round before moving onto the next set. This workout should take 15-20 minutes but don’t forget to warm up and cool down with some easy cardio to gradually raise and lower your heart rate and prevent injury!  

Set 1

6 Rounds

3 - Burpees

Burpee - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

Modification options

IMB dLxSNP - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout
IMB GU2e1D - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

5 - Bicep Curls

Alternating Bicep Curls - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

Set 2

6 Rounds

2 - Man Makers

IMB sYVyle - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

Modification option

IMB 7Qwdr5 - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

5 - Outward Curls

Outward Curls - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout


2 rounds

12 -warrior sit ups

IMB wfmoJI - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

Modification option

IMB p2U5G8 - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

30 Second Plank

Modified Plank - Workout Wednesday - 11.28.18 - EMOM Workout

progression - Full plank

Workout Report

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