This workout has several modifications to adjust for impact, flexibility, or fitness level. There are a couple of additional modifications in the demo video if you need something in the middle. You will complete three rounds of the first set of exercises and 2 rounds of the second set.
You’ll need light to heavy dumbbells. If you would like to go heavy on your Goblet Squat, try putting your dumbbells and a couple of heavy textbooks in a backpack to add weight!
Set 1
Squat, Leg Lift
8-12 Reps, Each Side
Frog Pushback or modify with Squat, Cross in Front
8-15 Reps
Lunge, Hop or Lunge to Squat
8-15 Reps; Each Side
Set 2 – 2 Rounds
Complete all reps on one side set 1 and the alternate side on set 2.
Goblet Squat
10-15 Reps
Downdog, Leg Lift or Modify with Plank, Leg Lift
10-15 Reps; 1 Side
Lateral Lunge, Hop or Modify with Lateral Lunge and Lift
8-12 Reps; 1 Side
Hope you enjoyed this workout, you’ll probably feel it tomorrow! Comment below or #FBFworkout on Instagram so I can give you a high five!