
In the demo video Tinsley dumped a bucket of ping pong balls all over the floor when I was filming and I had to edit it out!  I guess I sped up the second half when I was editing.  I sound like a chipmunk! 😂

Three Rounds of each set of exercises and 12 Reps of each move (on both sides) unless otherwise noted.    

Complete a warm up on your own or do the video above.  As always, cool down with some light cardio and stretching when you are done! 

Copy of Shoulders Legs - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core

Set 1


Chest press, close press

12 Reps

Chest Press Close Grip - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core

Skull crushers

12 Reps

Skull Crusher - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core

Spider man, crunch or bird dog

6-8 Reps; each side

Spiderman Crunch - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core
Bird Dog - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core
1 of 2 Modifications

Set 2


Alternating chest lift

12 Reps; Each Side

Upright Chest Raise - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core

Overhead Tricep extension

12 Reps; Each Side

Complete standing up or sitting on a bench

OH Tricep Ext - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core

out, out, crunch, crunch

12 Reps

Out Out Crunch - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core
Out Out Crunch Mod - Workout Wednesday - Upper Body & Core


In the comments below, post your sweaty selfie and show us you’re finished!

Workout on your own? Share what you did for your check-in!  

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